Nevi'im: New Course With Rabbanit Dr. Devorah Halevy!
Shiviti Bet Midrash of New York: Classes Resume!
Shiviti Bet Midrash of the United Kingdom: Classes scheduled to resume in January 2024!
Shiviti Podcast Update! 153+ episodes
New Shulchan Aruch Playlist!VIDEO
Shiviti Bet Midrash - Classes Resume!
Shiviti Bet Midrash - Updated Zoom Guidelines
Join us for Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat
Seudah Shelishit with Q&A!Please plan to join us!
Shabbat Times and Schedule
Mazal Tov Announcements
Join our Google Classroom to participate in online classes Some classes resume this week
Brief Update From The Rabbi
We will meet in our regular Bet Knesset location for Shabbat. All members and regulars are invited to attend.
Friday night Tefillot will shift based on candle-lighting, changing week-by-week. This Friday we will meet at 4:25pm.
Join us for Shabbat Tefillah with Torah reading followed by a Kiddush Lunch! Kiddush Lunch is missing a sponsor. Kindly considering sponsoring this meal! Kids learning resumes 15 minutes before Mincha!
Join us for Mincha followed by Seudah Shelishit. Seudah Shelishit is missing a sponsor. Kindly considering sponsoring this meal!
Thank you to our generous sponsors from last week!
Class schedule will be announced in the Google Classroom.
A reminder that all San Diego classes which formerly began at 8:30pm, now begin at 7:30pm. All other class times remain the same.
Wishing you and yours a Shabbat Shalom when it arrives, Rabbi Yonatan Halevy
Kids learning with the Rabbi resumes!
Join The Shiviti WhatsApp Group!
Want to receive the latest videos and content from Shiviti directly to your phone?
Please use the link below to join the Shiviti WhatsApp group (silent):
Shiviti Bet Midrash of New York: Course continues!
Join us as we delve into some of the most sensitive and profound details of Jewish national law, and explore how our lawmakers approached the most controversial and relevant social justice issues of our time. Text-based and ongoing, this course will offer an inside view of the legal system that provides the basis for our national vision of a just and truly free society.
This course will largely be based on the Rambam’s Laws of Sanhedrin, with a special focus on the commentary of Rabbi Chaim David Halevy, former Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv-Yafo.
Shiviti Bet Midrash of the United Kingdom: Classes scheduled to resume in January 2024!
Shiviti Podcast Update! 153+ episodes
44 Aggadeta episodes + 38 Expanding Horizons episodes + 71 Rambam’s Mishneh Torah episodes = 153 total podcast episodes available to listen to!
It has been more than a year since we announced the launch of our Shiviti podcast which is officially live across the web, featuring our most popular playlists! Search “Shiviti” or “Rabbi Yonatan Halevy” on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify - and subscribe!
Thanks to the hard work of Shiviti’s volunteer audio/video team!
Shiviti Bet Midrash - IN PERSON Classes Have Resumed
Shiviti Bet Midrash - Updated Zoom Guidelines
Parashat Vayechi - Shabbat Shalom!
Erev Shabbat - Friday
Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:25pm
Candle Lighting: 4:33pm
Shekiah (Sunset): 4:51pm
Shabbat - Saturday
Shacharit: 9:00am
Latest Shema: 8:41am or 9:21am
Latest Shacharit: 10:11am
Kiddush Lunch following Tefillah
Kids Learning with the Rabbi: 3:45pm
Shiur/Class: 5:15pm
Mincha: 4:00pm
Seudah Shelishit 4:30pm
Shabbat Ends: 5:33pm
Mazal Tov Announcements
Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov!
To have your joyous occasion mentioned here, kindly email the week before. Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim does not have a record of occasions and announces only what we are provided by our members each week!
Zoom for Video Meetings!
We are utilizing state-of-the-art technology to continue our Torah classes.
Each class series has its own unique login code.
For classes, see the information below on joining our Google Classroom.
Join our Special Google Classroom!
If you are not part of one of our regular Google Classrooms and wish to join, send an email to, requesting to join our "Special Shiviti" Google Classroom. Or just reply to this email!
For those who plan to only use this temporarily during this period, you can join our special Google Classroom setup just for the current situation. You will receive all live updates about any relevant classes being offered online without having to subscribe to one of the dedicated classrooms.
Subscribe in just one minute!
A tremendous tool in bringing our Shiviti Bet Midrash online is our official Shiviti channel on YouTube.
Please take a moment and subscribe by following this link and CLICKING "subscribe"!