High Holidays Registration, Rosh HaShanah Meals, Lulav and Etrog Orders!
Date Added
KehillatShaarHaShamayim - קהילת שער השמים
In this email:
High Holidays at KSH!
Rosh HaShanah Dinner RegistrationDeadline 9/29
Register for High Holiday Services Deadline 9/29
Rabbi's Logistical Team Volunteer Opportunities
Lulav and Etrog Orders Deadline 10/1
Selichot Schedule at KSH
Important! Members,reply to this email
You must reply to this email to recieve the registration link for the High Holidays!
Members and regulars must fill out a private registration form to attend.
High Holidays at KSH!
High Holiday Tefillot are open to Kehillah members and regulars only(exceptions may be requested via email for immediate family on case-by-case basis, as well as for worldwide Shiviti members, space-permitting).
All others, even if they are guests of our members, will not be allowed entry.
High Holiday Registration Deadline - Deadline 9/29
Members and regulars who wish to attend any of the High Holiday programming, must register in advance via our online form.
Registration deadline is 9/29 at 1:00pm. To request the link for our online registration form, simply replyto this email or send an email to info@kshsd.org
High holidays this year will present us with unprecedented logistical challenges, but the reward of being able to be together will make all of it worthwhile.
Only if you 1) have ample free time and 2) are physically able and wish to volunteer for the Rabbi's logistical team, please email rabbi@shiviti.org.
Want to help but can't commit to the above?
We will inevitably incur unplanned expenses in preparing for the High Holidays and could always use your help.
With thanks to Rabbi Eddie Rosenberg at Young Israel of San Diego, Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim is able to offer you quality sets of the four species this holiday season!
This is a great opportunity for all men, women and children of our community to take part of this special Mitzvah and obtain their own set of the four species this holiday season! At the very least, each household should bring one set into their home this year!
All proceeds cover the cost of the sets - Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim offers this purely as a service to our community. Please note that this year, prices were slightly raised from previous years.
Anyone who needs financial assistance in obtaining a set can reach out Rabbi Yonatan confidentially.
All orders must be received by Tuesday, October 1st at 10:00am. We will be unable to make any orders with the merchant after that date!