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Parashat Emor - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Achare Mot/Kedoshim - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Shabbat Schedule - Parashat Tazria/Metzora

Friday Night

Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:30pm

Candle Lighting: 7:05pm

No Dinner at the Rabbi's Home 


Shabbat Day

Shacharit: 9:00am

Kiddush Lunch This Shabbat  - Generously sponsored by Norma Lopez in honor of Hashem's blessings to her on the occasion of her birthday. Thank you and Mazal Tov!

5:30pm: Tentative Class with the Rabbi

6:30pm: Mincha

7:00pm: Seudah Shelishit - Sponsorship Available

Shabbat Ends: 8:03pm



Class schedule and other information to follow next week.


Shabbat Schedule - Parashat Shemini

Friday Night

Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 6:30pm

Candle Lighting: 7:00pm

Dinner at the Rabbi's Home - Sponsorship Available - RSVP by clicking here


Shabbat Day

Shacharit: 9:00am

Kiddush Lunch This Shabbat  - Sponsorship Available - RSVP by clicking here

6:30pm: Mincha

7:00pm: Seudah Shelishit - Sponsorship Available

Shabbat Ends: 8:09pm



Class schedule and other information to follow next week.


Detailed Pesach Schedule and Mimouna Information!

Signed up? RSVP for Second Days of Pesach Meals and Mimouna!

Have you registered? Detailed Pesach Schedule Attached

Only one day left! RSVP for ALL Communal Pesach Meals

Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Michael (Mike) Cohen z"l

Are you registered? RSVP for Communal Pesach Meals!

Parashat Tzav and Shabbat HaGadol - Shabbat HaGadol Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Only day to sell Chametz and RSVP for Communal Pesach Meals!

Mazal Tov! Berit Milah Information

Parashat Vayakhel/Pekude and HaChodesh - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

UPDATE: New Baking Times Due To Time Change

Parashat Ki Tisa and Parah - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Want to make history? Last chance to sponsor soft Matzah baking!

Soft Matzah Class TONIGHT! 8:30pm - Sunday Baking Schedule

Are you registered? Fast of Esther and Purim Schedule!

Want to make history again? Soft Matzah in San Diego!

Fast of Esther and Purim Schedule! RSVP for celebration!

Parashat Tetzaveh and Zachor - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Terumah - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Beshalach - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Bo - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Vaera - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddush Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Parashat Shemot - Shabbat Shalom! Kiddish Lunch THIS Shabbat!

Shabbat Shalom! Parashat Vayechi - Kiddush Lunch!

TOMORROW (Tuesday): Fast of the Tenth of Tevet

Tonight is the last chance! Can I count you in?

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785